Sharp-witted, heartwarming without sinking into maudlin territory, and featuring two winningly developed and voiced main characters, the film is an ideal motion picture that children and adults can enjoy equally. Blu-ray also includes "Lilo & Stitch 2: Stitch Has A Glitch!"
B+/A- True to Disney's usual quality, "Lilo & Stitch" looks and sounds very, very nice on Blu-ray. There are some scenes that lack that extra "pop" one expects (particularly in the early scenes set in space), but this may very well have more to do with the animation style (which occasionally reminds of a Saturday morning cartoon) more so than the high-def transfer. The 5.1 audio is lovely, with the soundtrack of Elvis Presley songs (and Wynona's cover of "Burnin' Love") especially coming richly to life and filling up the soundscape.